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For DCMs and GSRs

The GSR is the link between the group and “A.A. as a whole.” A channel through which news, information, opinions and ideas can flow back and forth. The DCM guides the GSRs at the District level.

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Delegate’s Page

The Area looks to their Delegate to lead them on tackling current issues while helping the Fellowship to prepare for the future. As well as carrying their voice to the General Service Conference.


Keep up with what is happening in CNIA 07, in English and Spanish. Also find archived issues here.


California Northern Interior Area 07 (CNIA 07) is one of six A.A. General Service Areas in California and extends from the Oregon border in the inland valleys south to Kings and Tulare Counties. CNIA contains 29 Districts including five Spanish Language Districts. CNIA hosts monthly All Committee Meetings (ACMs) for Area Officers, DCMs and GSRs to meet and carry out the business and group consicence of the Area. We host four Area Assemblies per year, and they are held throughout the Area.
The purpose of an area, as identified in the A.A. Service Manual, is three-fold:
1. To elect a delegate who will represent the area’s conscience at the annual General Service Conference, where decisions are made that affect A.A. throughout the U.S. & Canada.
2. To form a local decision-making structure so groups can collectively decide on matters that affect our area.
3. To carry out Twelfth Step work that may not be practical for groups, districts or intergroups to take on by themselves. Examples include Accessibilities, Area Bulletin,
Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), Corrections, Information Website, Language Translation Services, Literature (including Grapevine and La Viña, and Public
Information (PI).
● Hold regular assemblies for all groups in CNIA-07 to create unity and allow for full participation in the General Service Conference process.
● Select a Delegate to represent our Area at the General Service Conference.
● Create a cohesive and collaborative culture within the area at all levels of service.
● Develop and utilize the best forms of communication to effectively reach all districts, groups, and members in our area (Area Accents; CNIA Website; email; etc.).
● Serve as a resource for districts to support their efforts with Bridging the Gap (BTG),
Public Information (PI), and other 12th step opportunities to carry the message.
● Provide interpretation and translation services so all members have equal access to our communication and can fully participate in our area business.
● Share service experience with members in our area to help others develop an interest in General Service.
● Provide guidance to trusted servants to help them understand and grow in their service roles.
● Maintain our area archives to preserve and learn from our history.


“In recovery it is important to practice all three sides of our AA triangle – the Three Legacies: Recovery, Unity and Service. Bill W. writes, “Our Twelfth Step, carrying the message, is the basic service that the AA Fellowship gives; . . . .AA is more than a set of principles; it is a society of alcoholics in action. We must carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die.” 1

Service takes many forms – helping with the meeting, making a 12-Step call, literature, good publicity, representing your home group as the GSR, and so on. Alcoholics Anonymous has a lot more to offer than most people realize and getting involved in General Service can be an invaluable enhancement to our
sobriety. To actually witness and take part in the business of AA helps us to understand the incredible scope of AA around the country and around the world.

1-Excerpt from The AA Service Manual and The Twelve Concepts of World Service.

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