From the International Convention Committee:

As many of you may know, planning is well underway for the 2025 International Convention that will be held July 3-6, 2025, in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

As planning continues your Convention Coordinator feels it is important that we obtain ongoing feedback from the Fellowship as it relates to domestic and international travel, attendance at large events, and thoughts regarding hybrid events, and incorporate the feedback in our planning. The following survey is one of several that we plan to dispatch during the planning process so that we may remain current with the thoughts of the Fellowship.

Kindly take a few minutes and answer the questions below. (All responses are anonymous.) We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing you in person or virtually at the International Convention in 2025!

Taking place once every five years, the A.A. International Convention marks the anniversary of Bill W.’s first meeting with Dr. Bob and the birth of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. A.A. members and their families and friends from around the globe attend the event. At the International Convention people attend meetings, workshops, dances and events. A highlight is the traditional flag ceremony to celebrate sobriety worldwide. Vancouver will welcome A.A. members from around the world for the 2025 International Convention. This will mark the 90th anniversary of the beginning of our Fellowship’s founding. The International Convention will take place from July 3 – 6, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre and BC Place Stadium. As the Convention approaches, we will update our website with registration information. Let’s celebrate sobriety together in Vancouver in 2025! *  2025 International Convention logo is an AAWS Service Mark and may ONLY be used with permission from AAWS.

2025 Vancouver International Convention FAQs