What is Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI/CPC)

Members involved in Public Information (PI) of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) help carry the message of recovery to the still suffering alcoholic. Working together, we do this by informing the general public about AA by providing resources such as literature, discussion, and educational materials. We also can provide Personal Service Announcements to radio and television stations. Imagine someone wanting help but they don’t know who to call. Imagine someone helping a friend get sober but not knowing where to turn for information. Now imagine all the people who are in recovery today because they did have a phone number, or a pamphlet with the right piece of information that helped them find their way into recovery. That’s what PI does, and that’s how we can help.

Together we can take action in our responsibility statement:

When anyone anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that… I AM RESPONSIBLE.

What We Do

Public Information carries the message by getting in touch with the media, schools, industry, and other organizations, and relaying the nature and purpose of A.A. and what it can do for alcoholics. Some examples of PI work include:

  • Placing literature racks in high schools, libraries, police stations, hospitals and maintaining them regularly with current literature and meeting schedules
  • Ensuring every public library has at least one Big Book, 12 & 12, or Living Sober book.
  • Contacting local schools, nursing homes and churches and offering to provide literature or make presentations
  • Responding to speaking requests for non AA meetings within the area
  • Placing Public Service Announcements with local radio and, television stations

Getting Involved

A.A. members wishing to carry the message to the general public are encouraged to attend PI meetings or contact a PI rep your area.  Experience shows us that connecting with other PIs is a valuable way to get involved and find out about upcoming events.

From the beginning, communication in A.A. has been no ordinary transmission of helpful ideas and attitudes.  Because of our kinship in suffering, and because our common means of deliverance are effective for ourselves only when constantly carried to others, our channels of contact have always been charged with the language of the heart.   – Bill W. Co-Founder of A.A.

Some examples of PI Outreach

There are many ways to get involved in PI work.  One is to “sponsor” a literature rack.  This can either be done on an individual level, or your home group might wish to sponsor a rack. You can make this a part of your group’s monthly business meeting by describing the need and asking for volunteers to restock literature. Materials may be obtained at your local Intergroup or Central Offices or by ordering directly from GSO using the literature catalog.

Participating at Non-AA Meetings

  • Community or health fairs sponsored by local colleges or public health organizations often have a need for AA information. If asked, a PI would typically staff a booth, answer questions and hand out literature as requested.
  • Speaking at middle and high schools is another way that PI’s can contribute. The format can of course vary, but one option is a presentation on alcoholism and recovery in a health or physical education class.

Thought should be given to our Traditions, especially that of anonymity, when giving presentations.
There is some additional info in the Public Information (PI) Workbook which has several examples of these types of presentations and information regarding Speaking at Non-AA Meetings in a pamphlet and our PI Guidelines.

If you are interested in organizing an event, or know of a school might be interested in hosting such an event, please contact us.

CNIA 07 PI/CPC Monthly Sharing Session

First Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm – 7:30pm PST on Google Meets

Google Meets link: https://meet.google.com/tid-zjqu-gnn

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 414-765-2859‬
PIN: ‪146 462 549‬#

Additional PI/CPC Links and Resources

Public Information for California Northern Interior Area 07 email: alt-delegate@cnia.org

Central California Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (CCFAA)

Delta Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

Greater Fresno Area Intergroup Association

Intercounty Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous – San Francisco & Marin

CNIA 07, District 21 – Serving Alcoholics Anonymous in Placer County

Alcoholics Anonymous Public Information Workbook

Alcoholics Anonymous Cooperation with the Professional Community (C.P.C.) Workbook and Kit

Alcoholics Anonymous Guidelines on Public Information

Alcoholics Anonymous Public Information Kit