Founder’s Writing Discussion with Delegate (Zoom)

Discussion regarding the questions presented by GSO for group consideration on the future of AA Founder's writings, such as the Big Book and Twelve & Twelve. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 6240 1871 Passcode: Service#74 --- One tap

Agenda Item Workshop In PERSON and Zoom Option Hybrid – Fresno Dist 41 & 42

New Life Community Church 2165 E Gettysburg Clovis 93611 2165 E Gettysburg, Clovis, CA, United States

This meeting will included IN PERSON attendance, as well as the option to attend via Zoom. Download Flyer With participation from Districts 40, 41, 42, 42, 43, 45 &47 This is a Hybrid Meeting, On Zoom, click the Zoom Icon

Agenda Item Workshop – Dist 9 & 11

District 9 & 11 Agenda Workshop 15244 Driftwood Lane, Weed, California, United States

March 24th at 12-2 15244 Driftwood Lane Weed CA 96094 Contact Christine T and Glen H