Begin by typing a Group Name or Group ID in the Search Box.
The Group ID is your group’s unique ID in the GSO database. The list is updated as of 02/09/25. If any of your group’s information is incorrect, or your group is not found, please contact our Registrar for help at
To submit a new group, use the CNIA New Group Form.
To update your existing group’s information, use the CNIA Group Change Form.
Group Status Definitions
Active | The Groups record indicates that it is active when it has a primary mail or GSR contact on record along with meeting information. |
Incomplete | New groups that submit a new group form and don’t provide a position holder gets put under incomplete until advised of the position holder. |
Inactive | The Records Department has received information that a group has disbanded or is not currently meeting. |
Merged | Two groups have decided to join and become one group. The Records Department receives the information as to which group will be the active group, who will be the GSR and the meeting place. Then the records are combined and cross referenced. The active group will show the status of active, and the merged group will show the status of merged. The merged group can request to be unmerged at any time by contacting the Records Department and providing updated contact, meeting place and meeting time information. |
New | Indicates a new group record has been added to the database and its status has not been changed to “Pending Active” by the Records department yet. |
Pending Active | Indicates a group recently added to the database is in the 30 days pending period assigned to all newly added groups. |
Pending Inactive | The Records department has received a request to inactivate a group. If the record in the database has a contact name, a letter or email is sent to that person to verify the request to inactivate is genuine. |
Pre-Dated | Groups that provide a future date as a start date such as 5/1/2023 will first get put under pre-dated because it is a future date. Then go under pending active for 30 days. |
Unknown | A group is still active, however their group record at the GSO does not have a GSR or primary mail contact attached to it. That indicates there is no one available to receive the group’s mail from the GSO. Anyone in the group can volunteer to receive the group’s mail and it does not need to be a GSR. |
With Staff | These groups go to the Staff Member assigned to the State for review. Because either the name of the group is not adequate (may contain a profanity) or is a group named after a person, which goes against our Traditions. |