Founder’s Writing Discussion with Delegate (Zoom)

Discussion regarding the questions presented by GSO for group consideration on the future of AA Founder's writings, such as the Big Book and Twelve & Twelve. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 6240 1871 Passcode: Service#74 --- One tap

Founder’s Writing Discussion with Delegate (Zoom)

Discussion regarding the questions presented by GSO for group consideration on the future of AA Founder's writings, such as the Big Book and Twelve & Twelve. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 6240 1871 Passcode: Service#74 --- One tap

Founder’s Writing Discussion with Delegate (Zoom)

Discussion regarding the questions presented by GSO for group consideration on the future of AA Founder's writings, such as the Big Book and Twelve & Twelve. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 6240 1871 Passcode: Service#74 --- One tap

Agenda Item Workshop In PERSON and Zoom Option Hybrid – Fresno Dist 41 & 42

New Life Community Church 2165 E Gettysburg Clovis 93611 2165 E Gettysburg, Clovis, CA, United States

This meeting will included IN PERSON attendance, as well as the option to attend via Zoom. Download Flyer With participation from Districts 40, 41, 42, 42, 43, 45 &47 This is a Hybrid Meeting, On Zoom, click the Zoom Icon

Agenda Item Workshop – Dist 9 & 11

District 9 & 11 Agenda Workshop 15244 Driftwood Lane, Weed, California, United States

March 24th at 12-2 15244 Driftwood Lane Weed CA 96094 Contact Christine T and Glen H